Thursday, 7 May 2009


Just a quick share today, BFF made a request for my cupcake recipe so i thought I'd share with everyone :)

Carol's Cupcakes

125g butter

2/3 cup caster sugar

1 1/2 cups self raising flour

1/2 cup milk

2 eggs

Preheat oven to 180C and get patty-cases ready in muffin tin. Dump all ingredients in a bowl and beat on low then increase to high speed and beat till mixture is smooth and pale yellow. Divide evenly among patty cases and bake for 30 minutes or until golden brown. Decorate as desired :)

I always double quantities MINIMUM and freeze so i have them as needed, they defrost really well as if I'd just baked them :)(just one of my secrets to being a domestic goddess *wink*)


  1. Cute photo. Did you make that for me?

  2. Hi Carol!
    I LOVE this recipe - might even make it today!!!
    Hey i've been trying to find your blog again for a couple of weeks now because the little link when you comment on mine doesn't hook up here for some reason. Anyway, it dawned on me this morning to check on the sof website - and i was so excited when it connected me :) YAY! LOVE catching up on your posts - the kids are so gorgeous and growing so quickly!
    Love and blessings to you my friend and thanks for your very encouraging comments on my blog too mate.
    Bless ya!
    Lus x

  3. Oh YUMMO Carol love, how deliciously cute does this look?!! Wonder if I'll get time to bake today...
    Crhissy x

  4. Carol, how good do these little cupcakes look. Makes me feel like eating one right now.


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