Really today...
* I finally got the photos organized that i should've done over the weekend.
*Ran around town doing errands while my beautiful Lily happily put up with being taken in and out of the car.
* Had the self control to NOT get cranky with the Harvey Norman people for not having time to put MY computer issues first (even though it is THEIR fault... patience, patience)
* I was relieved to see that the Kindy people were happy with their far.
* I was kinda sad that our Life Group bunch had to split... (all for the greater good though)
* I'm struggling not having a memory card for my camera even if it's only been two days!(due to the afore said HN)
* i wonder where the day went
Today I'm also thankful for:
* My husband coming home safely and on time not having to stay back.
* Having new people in our home for Life group
* Jesse being happy to go to Kindy but even happier to see Mummy at the end of the day.
* Lily and Jesse playing and loving being near each other.
* Being missed by my other Life Group buddies.
* having a place to sell my bags.
* Having a message on my answering machine to remind me that my friends love me :)
Well just a short one today, hopefully I'll have some cool photos to share if they can be recovered from my damaged memory card. They'll be of Jesse holding a cute little green tree frog Lalo found while gardening again :) Have i mentioned i Love QLD critters? Not the toads though bleagh!
I hope that message was from me. Did I leave a message? Did I? Looking forward to the frog photos!