Friday, 11 September 2009

All about the words...

After much deliberation and procrastination i have asked Jesse who with much elation has picked a name without discrimination out of a hat so we can without further melodramatizations announce to the nations who has won (although nations is a kind of an exaggeration due to there only being four qualifications but there will be no nullification of said competition).

So... in conclusion the answer to the question is....


Congratulations Miss Karen from the administration of this competition you will be awarded a creation from ME! (We will be in communication for the delivery of your new acquisition).

FYI Miss Karen is a teacher and is often called upon to decipher words and their meanings so i thought this post should fit the criteria :)


  1. I WON!!! YAY!!! I never win anything!! LOL! How exciting! You did use lots of big words... YOu are very clever! LOL! Thanks Jesse for picking me!!! I will have to read you a story oneday soon (as Payment!) LOL!

  2. CONGRATS Miss Karen!!! Good work on the variety of vocabulary used in this blog Carol!!


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