Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Practice makes perfect?

Yes my obsession hasn't waned one iota! Jesse rarely stands still for me if i have the camera around so Lily is my main victim!

I've been testing my lenses for sharpness (you see i had a suspicion my big lens 28-135 wasn't as sharp as it should be but of course it's just user error)

IMG_8638 copy 2

Pretty sharp you reckon? If you look closely you can see me in Jesse's eyes taking the photo LOL!

8631 sml

I also have been practicing with a bit of sun flare...


and perspective...

8594 Sml

and this is just to show that the little Miss CAN stand on her own quite easily but refuses to attempt this thing called walking LOL!

8666sml copy

Not much else happening around here, I'm trying to get some sewing done here and there and I'll show you some of my creations when i get a bit more time :) Thanks for looking and don't forget to leave a comment so i know you visited :)


  1. Gorgeous Carol. I adore the sun flare and the light in those brown eyes is perfect :)

  2. The first pic of Lily, she looks a bit like Gabby :p

  3. I LOVE that beak-smile that Jesse does! Fantastic camera-work too... a few more weeks of practice and you'll have caught up to me >_>

  4. Love love love the first close up one of Lily, it's gorgeous. :)

  5. Carol ... thanks for sharing your gorgeous children and beautiful pictures! I love reading your blog; I always get a giggle, smile or encouragement from it! xx

  6. These look fabby honey!! :)Very crisp and LOVE the eyes!! Photography is just the most fun thing ever, so much to learn and so rewarding too.
    Chrissy x

  7. you are amazing!!!

  8. ..oh and hey Carol love I see you have a flickr account too. Would love to add you if that's ok. :)
    C x

  9. Your photos are gorgeous as always Carol. You are so talented:)

  10. just gorgeous - but why did you prove your lens is sharp???? surely that will mean Lalo wont let you get new one????????

  11. Carol I always forget to leave comments after reading your blogs!! I really enjoy checking out what you add. You're VERY good at what you do....and have the cutest subjects!! Really like the latest blog!

  12. omg flares...
    ...can you try pink dolphins next?

    definitely have great subjects... they're both very cute... (that's the Ojeda gene of course)...

    (i came, i saw, i posted)

  13. Great photos Carol! Why would Lily need to walk when she has loyal subjects to bring stuff to her!!! lol
    Tammi (tambear)

  14. HI Carol,

    Love the photos.....

    Gabie :0)

  15. Your photography is amazing Carol! I soooo love the sunflare...looks awesome!!!

  16. Love the photos they are sharp!
    May I ask what camera do you use and is that a brand name lens?
    I'm looking to upgrade from my Oly E500 sorry if the questions bug :/


Thanks for commenting on my ramblings =)