Sunday, 7 October 2007

I'm still here...

Ok, so i havent posted for a while but there is a reason and those who know me well should be prepared for the coming announcement... I have been having ahem... I have been kinda... ahem... dozing during the day! There i said it!!! I know it goes against everything i believe in but early pregnancy does it to me every time, and i am so tired :( Ok, so i know i dont have to justify myself to anyone but that's the reason why i have been AWOL.

My sister called today even half way through the day (when she is usually 'dozing' in fact) and Lalo told her i was sleeping to which she promptly replied "dont lie, Carol doesn't sleep in the day!" *sigh* my secret it out but i will fight the urge until it is out of my system!!

So what has happened in the world around me while i have been absent? not much really, the weather has been really hot so we got out the Inflatable Water Theme Park that Tia Pily gave Jesse last Christmas and we have been cooling off in there most mornings and/or afternoons. I say we because Lalo and i have also been wading in there like beached whales to beat the scorching heat... yes and it's only October!!! No photos yet and you're probably glad.. you dont want to see us in this condition anyways LOL!

This strange phenomenom of being tired has me even unmotivated to scrap lately so there are no new layouts or projects to share with you. I'm hoping the new lot of prints due to arrive any day now will cure this but how do YOU get over the tiredness??

Lastly (is that a word?) I will share with you some photos taken maybe a couple of weeks ago when Uncle Karl took Jesse on their dirt bike, he had loved it ages ago when he went but apparently wasn't as keen this time round. Is my child already discovering his mortality??

...and Lalo and Jesse have taken up gardening as a father & son thing to do every afternoon. They have planted tomatoes and lettuces and they are nurtured every evening with a drink and good talking to so we can have yummy salads for summer :) So cute!


  1. Yeah Jesse!! You go matey!

    Sorry to hear you are so tired. HAte feeling that tired in the day...I used to feel like I was having an outer body experience when I was pregnant and tired.
    Hope it passes soon.

  2. YOU HAVE BEEN DOING WHAT??!!! *shock* KNOW what I would say

  3. Carol - don't feel bad take every nap or sleep you can - it won't be long until that tiredness passes. Praying that you continue to keep well.

    It has been stinking hot here also - dread to think what summer is going to be like in Qld this year.

  4. Love the photos. Send me some tomato's when they are ready!! :)


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