Thursday, 27 March 2008

Slow week...

Again not much happening, getting on with life scrapping, seeing some friends here and there spending time with Lalo (on his 6 day weekend woohoo!!) and helping out with church stuff here and there too for a change. It feels nice to actually be part of something bigger than everyday life if you know what i mean. I somehow volunteered myself to make up the Easter gifts that are given out at the Easter Sunday service and they were a hit! Dont really have a pic to show but imagine easter eggs growing out of a pot :) it was all to represent the new life we find in Jesus. Cool huh?

The only other exciting thing happening that i can think of at the moment is my pending birthday of course (This Sunday 30th of March for those of you who are thinking of fogetting!!! LOL)and that means my wonderful husband has gone above and beyond the call of duty and bought me a new camera *happy dance*

My beautiful old Sony is definitely on it's way out so he thought he'd indulge me and let me buy a new Canon 400D that i've been eyeing off for a while now. After a surprise $200 price drop from one day to the next it arrived on our doorstep on Tuesday and after much begging he let me open the box and have a play. The alternative was of course to wait til my ACTUAL birthday but in my defense i thought I better check out everything was intact and working properly in case it had to be sent back *wink* It was fine of course...LOL

So i havent yet taken any photos worth showing off yet as the weather's been less than ideal and with 4 weeks to go before this baby's due my energy levels arent at their highest but i promise this weekend i'll be putting this birthday pressie through it's paces!

So on that note... be sure to WATCH THIS SPACE

Oh, just a couple of LO's to share since the last post :)

This was inspired by one of Karen Latham's creations...

And this is a canvas...


  1. Happy Birthday for Sunday Carol - so excited to hear you have a new camera also. I will definately be watching this space. Love your layouts too and fell honored that you drew inspiration from one of my layouts.

  2. canvas is stunning!
    cant wait to see some photos :)


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