Thursday, 22 October 2009

More photo shares...

Just some more pics of the kiddies and a reminder to keep those entries coming for the RAK which i hope to draw next week sometime. I only have four entries so far which is kinda of a bit sad but then again... i don't have a big following now do i? LOL!

Ok, now for the shares...I have recently acquired a new toy, two to be precise and these pics are me testing out the new acquisitions... You see now that i have a good camera i can take good photos right?

16x20-3opening copy

rjf_10x20freebie2 copy 2

All the designs above are done by my good friend Rowena, love your work Ro! *wink*


  1. YES you take AWESOME photos!! Even before having your new toy!!

  2. I just so enjoy looking at your photos and love when you let us know that you have more to look at. And Jesse and Lily are so cute! Love Meagan


Thanks for commenting on my ramblings =)