Thursday, 19 November 2009

Super quick update...

Hey loyal followers... yes i mean all two of you! LOL!

Ok, first things first, SM Subscription Contest has been drawn, then name out of the hat (or out of my hands drawn by Jesse) is Kerryn!!! So please email me your address and I'll make *the call* :) This should take effect as from the next issue coming out soon :)


Next item on the agenda is my firstborn's birthday... *sigh* time flies when you're having fun so goes the saying and boy is this boy FUN! He makes us laugh EVERYDAY and we truly thank God everyday for bringing him to us and for the joy he is to have around... most of the time (I'm keeping it real here, gimme some credit!). This year due to our little holiday Jesse missed out on having a full blown party but someone once told me it's not a birthday unless there's cake so we took some to the Kindy for Jesse to share with his little friends (not posting the pics of the friends yet but keep watching).

Here's some taken on the day and some at the Kindy...


5 is a BIG number... it means a whole hand, it means big school next year, and it means mummy's getting older too LOL! To Jesse 5 also means he can put himself to bed for his day rest... "It's ok Mummy, you're changing Lily and Daddy's on the compooter so i can put myself to bed now that i'm FIVE" and with an about turn he kissed me on the cheek, went to his room and shut the door.... sob, sob :(


  1. Oh that layout is amazing! He is just the cutest thing ever! Five is a huge kids were all over the moon to be five!
    Thank-you so much for the SM win!! I always look longingly at the subs these days and it is never a priority financially...this is such a blessing! Much love to you!

  2. Sweltering in the Cobar Heat20 November 2009 at 12:55 pm

    It's true, it's not a birthday without cake :P
    Five IS a handful. Happy Birthday Jesse!!

  3. Great photos Carol and love your storybox. I can't beleive that Jesse is five, it only seems like yesterday that he was only 2. Bet he is super excited about school next year too.

  4. JESSE!!! 5 years ago he didn't even exist, and now I can't even imagine not having him as part of my family!

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