This blog update of course is all about a certain little muppet who turns six tomorrow... SIX! 6??? Yep... 2,134 days have flown by (give or take a few for leap years and whatnot) since we introduced him into the big wide world and every year we and those around us wonder what will he come up with next?? LOL! 6 Years of joy, laughter, tears...oh the tears, his mine and dads and probably many others around him ^_^ but it's fair to say we've all enjoyed the ride that has been Jesse Harrison and we definitely don't want to get off!
Yesterday we had a small party for him and some friends from school mainly and in line with this terms learning at prep he opted for dinosaur themed party. So off i went in search for a dinosaur cake that would top the last dinosaur cake (3rd birthday) which wouldn't be hard coz looking back on it was a pretty poor effort LOL!and viola! The picture looked extremely hard and complicated and my good friend Jacque (otherwise known as the cupcake lady) was on standby in the very likely case i failed at this cake but i surprised even myself ^_^

There was talk amongst the mums that after the dino-dig the slip & slide would be great exfoliation... any takers?? My fee is cheap =D